Monday, November 18, 2013

Basic Crochet Stitches to Know

Crochet Stitches

Chain Stitch - ch

If you're new to crochet, this is the first stitch you should learn.

The chain stitch is the most basic of all crochet stitches. You'll use the chain stitch in several different ways.

Chain stitches are used to begin most crochet projects. When a grouping of chain stitches is used at the beginning of a project, it can be referred to as a "starting chain," "base chain," or a "foundation chain."

A turning chain is often used between rows of crochet stitches.

Image below explains how to do a chain stitch

Slip Stitch - sl st

Slip stitches are useful for joining one crocheted element to another.

You can you slip stitch in different ways.

You can use slip stitches to add color and visual interest to the surface of a crochet project.

Image below explains how to do a slip stitch 

Single Crochet - sc

The single crochet stitch is another basic crochet stitch you'll need to know. All the other stitches are variations on this one.

It's a short stitch that appears frequently in many different crochet patterns.

It gives a close fit to your crochet project.

Image below explains how to do a single crochet

Double Crochet - dc 

Double crochet is another basic crochet stitch you'll need to know. 

It's a tall, textured stitch with many potential uses. 

Double crochet combines well with all of the other basic stitches, and there are unlimited ways to use it.

Image below explains how to do a double crochet 

Half Double Crochet - hdc

A half double crochet whose height falls somewhere in between that of a single crochet and a double crochet 

Image below explains how to do a half double crochet 

Triple Crochet - tr

The treble crochet stitch is also known as the triple crochet stitch.

It's taller than the double crochet stitch, and requires a tiny bit more effort to crochet.

Image below explains how to do a triple crochet 

Happy Crocheting!!

All the best :)

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